High Risk Merchant Accounts

Fast Approval, HIGH-RISK HIGH VOLUME. All Accepted!

ACH / eCheck

Switch to Checks Processing Quick | Easy | Low Cost We continue to beat the competition for over 17 years!

We Support All HIGH-RISK Busineses

Get Fast Approval. Lowest Rates.

Checks Processing payments offers high risk merchant accounts for businesses and for business owners who would otherwise struggle to find support in the United States Banking sector. We only deal with U.S. Banks to guarantee your payment. 

We take a chance on businesses who need help reaching their customer base. Both domestic and international.

Checks Processing has the experience, know-how, and relationships to get you approved fast at the lowest rates available.

Checks Processing Guarantees.

High Risk Merchant Accounts

Have you been labeled as a high risk business? The high risk industry is a small world. It’s best to know what bank to apply to for your specific situation.

The way we see it, we’re playing on the same team! Having our client processing at the lowest rates possible for years to come is a win-win, and we will be there with you, side by side, through thick and thin.

We have built a reputation by being the best at what we do, so you can focus on being the best at what you do. Our 17 years’ experience and relationships with over 100 different Banks and ISOs makes us one of the best in the business. Some of these relationships are personal, directly with the Owners, Presidents, and CEOs of these companies. This can only be a big advantage for approvals that may need special considerations.

Our relationships and experience allow us to stay 2 steps ahead of underwriting regulations, so that our clients experience little to no interruption in services.

We work with our clients to ensure that your business is always compliant. The more our clients succeed, the more Checks Processing succeeds. This is our promise to you!

As Seen On

High Risk Merchant Industries




CBD Merchant Account


Collection Agency Merchant AccouNT

Credit Repair Merchant Account

Credit Repair Merchant Account

Document Preparation Merchant Account Services

Document Preparation Merchant Account Services

Debt Relief Merchant Account

Debt Relief Merchant Account


Nutraceutical Merchant Account

View ALL High Risk Merchant Accounts

View ALL High Risk Merchant Accounts

business womman

High Risk Merchant Industries

  • We work with Only Banks with in the United States to ensure the security of your account and payments.
  • We Providing full ongoing merchant support via: chat, skype, Phone or email.
  • Let ChecksProcessing keep your accounts Open an active and help prevent any processing downtime.

Domestic & Offshore Solutions


Chargeback Mitigation


Full API Integration


Business Merchant Funding

Industries We Support

  • Adult Businesses
  • Airlines
  • Auto Transport
  • Auto Warranty
  • Bad Credit
  • Bail Bonds
  • Betting Advice
  • Business Opportunities (“Biz Op”)
  • Cannabis
  • Casino and Gambling
  • CBD
  • Cigarettes, Pipes, Tobaccos
  • Collection Agencies
  • Collector Coins & Stamps
  • Continuity
  • Credit Repair
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Diet Programs
  • Debt Relief
  • Document Preparation
  • Educational Seminars
  • E-Cigarettes & Vaporizers
  • Escort Services
  • Extended Warranty & Protection
  • Forex Websites
  • Fortune Tellers
  • Gambling Advice
  • Gift Card & Certificate Websites
  • Gun & Firearm Stores
  • Hair Restoration Services
  • High Volume Merchants
  • Internet Art Sales
  • Internet Electronic Sales
  • Internet Jewelry Sales
  • Jewelry Sellers
  • MOTO (Mail Order, Tele Order)
  • Moving Brokers
  • Multi-level Marketing (MLM)
  • Nutraceuticals
  • Online / Internet Gambling
  • Online Exercise Equipment
  • Online Herbal & Vitamin
  • Online Legal Forms
  • Online Dating
  • Online School & Education
  • Online Pharmacy
  • Online Legal Forms
  • Online School & Education
  • Online Smoke Shops
  • PC/Tech Support & Software
  • Penny Prepaid Cards
  • Poor Credit Merchants
  • Recurring & Re-bill Models
  • Refinance Kits
  • Social Networking Websites
  • Subscriptions & Memberships
  • Telecommunications
  • Telemarketing
  • Ticket Broker Sales
  • Time Share Sales
  • Travel Agency
  • Water Purifiers
  • Web Design & Hosting

Why Do I Need A High Risk Merchant Account?

A high risk merchant account refers to businesses that pose a greater risk of chargebacks. If you have a home-based business or doing online business, processes online payment transactions, then your business will likely be identified as a high risk merchant account.

Banks consider some businesses to be high risk merchant accounts due to different reasons including the nature and location of your business. If your business shows history of chargebacks or disputes or prone to chargeback, then you will have to go through the crucial process just to receive merchant services.

Not only that once considered a high risk merchant account, but you will also be required to pay higher fees for merchant services and will only be allowed to a certain number of transactions to make sure you have enough cash reserves.

Or in worse cases, banks will refuse to work with you. All these can impact your business negatively, so it is best to find a high risk merchant processor to help you set up a high risk merchant account.

Benefits of a High Risk Merchant Account?

Setting up a high risk merchant account is vital for your business operation. This may entail high fees and some drawbacks, but you will be surprised that high risk merchant account also has countless benefits:

  • Global coverage. This means you can expand your business globally as you are now capable of accepting payment in different currencies. Greater market coverage means more potential sales and profit.
  • Business growth. With a high merchant account, you can now sell your products or services globally. Bigger market share allows your business to grow.
  • Being able to sell your products or services across different countries means more money.
  • When a chargeback happens, your provider will activate protection to prevent fraudulent activities.
  • More payment options. Wider payment options allow your customers to choose a convenient way of payment making them very likely to purchase items or use your services.

How to Apply for In A High Risk Merchant Account?

Applying for a high risk merchant account is easy and free. Simply fill out an application form along with the needed documents about your business or company.

Below are the additional supporting documents that you need to submit:

  • Identification, Passport or State ID
  • Bank statements
  • Proof of business, website ownership
  • Proof of active Bank account

Additional documents may be requested by underwriters but is still dependent on the type of business or based on your specific business requirements.

What to Look For In High-Risk Merchant Account Processor?

With so many high-risk account processors offering their services, choosing the right one can be a difficult choice. But to make the process a little convenient, always consider the following before making a decision:

  • Support
  • Expertise
  • Pricing
  • Security indicators
  • Technology
  • Supported business models

While being identified as a high-risk merchant is hard and can greatly affect your business, it is something that can be changed. Do something about it by finding a high-risk merchant account provider that offers fair pricing and excellent support to guarantee your issues will be addressed promptly.

When you have been completely turned down with your high-risk merchant account application, move on and look for an experienced processor that will assist you in successfully setting up your account.